Onhwa Lumina

Onhwa Lumina

 is a wonderful immersive art exhibit located about 20 minutes to the northwest on the Wendake reservation. Going right along with a steam of light give begins at dusk every night this summer.

It seems to be a common Quebec experience to have these extremely immersive art exhibits. Think of Cirque du Soleil but in this case it’s something you can work through.

The exhibit completely takes you into the Native American culture telling the story of creation and there’s also a perfect connection to the Wendake reservation itself. Fortunately, we went to the village earlier and seeing the museum and the village brought to life in a different way here is purely spectacular.

It’s a combination of not only the broadcasting of the lights and the images but also the sound and speakers that makes it through experience. On top of that, the forest and it’s environment are so heavily featured that it completely enhances the experience.

We strongly recommend this experience especially after a day of touring Wendake.