Boardwalk in Quebec City

The Distance from Montreal to Quebec City

Boardwalk in Quebec City

The distance from Montreal to Quebec City by car is approximately 200 kilometers (124 miles) and typically takes about 2-3 hours to complete, depending on traffic conditions. The route follows the Trans-Canada Highway (Highway 40) and is a relatively straightforward drive.

Along the way, there are several rest stops where you can take a break, grab a snack, or use the restroom. One popular stop is the Le Madrid rest stop, which is located about halfway between Montreal and Quebec City. This rest stop features a variety of amenities including fast food restaurants, a convenience store, and a play area for children.

Taking the Plane

If you prefer to fly, there are several airports located in both Montreal and Quebec City that offer direct flights between the two cities. The flight time is only about 30 minutes, making it the fastest travel option. However, the cost of a plane ticket can be significantly higher than other modes of transportation.

Taking the Bus

Another option for traveling from Montreal to Quebec City is by bus. Several bus companies offer regular service between the two cities, with a one-way trip taking about 3-4 hours. The buses are equipped with amenities such as comfortable seating, air conditioning, and restrooms.

Taking the Train

If you prefer a more leisurely mode of transportation, you can also take the train from Montreal to Quebec City. The train ride takes about 4-5 hours and offers panoramic views of the countryside. The trains are equipped with comfortable seating, a dining car, and Wi-Fi.


Overall, there are several options for traveling from Montreal to Quebec City. Depending on your preference, you can choose to drive, fly, take the bus, or ride the train. Whichever mode of transportation you choose, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of eastern Canada as you make your way to Quebec City.